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Gas flow in a micro-channel usually has a high Knudsen number. The predominant predictive tool for such a micro-flow is the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method, which is used in this paper to investigate primary flow properties of supersonic gas in a circular micro-channel for different inflow conditions, such as free stream at different altitudes, with different incoming Mach numbers, and with different angles of attack. Simulation results indicate that the altitude and free stream incoming Mach number have a significant effect on the whole micro-channel flow field, whereas the angle of attack mainly affects the entrance part of micro-channel flow field. The fundamental mechanism behind the simulation results is also presented. With the increase of altitude, thr free stream would be partly prevented from entering into micro-channel. Meanwhile, the gas flow in micro-channel is decelerated, and the increase in the angle of attack also decelerates the gas flow. In contrast, gas flow in micro-channel is accelerated as free stream incoming Mach number increases. A noteworthy finding is that the rarefaction effects can become very dominant when the free stream incoming Mach number is low. In other words, a free stream with a larger incoming velocity is able to reduce the influence of the rarefaction effects on gas flow in the micro-channel.
With the great progress of manufacturing technologies, such as silicon micro machining, optical lithography, etching and electrical discharge machining, micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) has become an emerging field with great growth prospects.[1,2] Microsystems based on the MEMS are capable of sensing and controlling physical processes on a scale of length on the order of one micron, or even sub-micron.[3] Current applications for such micro devices include thermo-mechanical data storage, high temperature pressure sensor, micro-nozzle, micro-sensor, and micro-pump, etc. Despite the growing applications of MEMS in scientific and engineering devices, the understanding of its fluid dynamics is far from satisfactory degree.[4] Because the MEMS includes many micro-channels and in most cases, the micro-channel height is comparable to the mean free path of gas molecules, the performance of MEMS often does not conform to the predictions made by using scaling laws developed for macro-scale systems. The gas in the micro-channel is rather rarefied[5] and such a micro-flow should be simulated by the methods developed for the micro-scale systems.
According to the Knudsen number Kn (a dimensionless number indicating the rarefied degree of flow and it is the ratio of mean free path of gas molecule to the micro-channel diameter in this study. The bigger the Knudsen number, the more rarefied the gas is), the gas flow in the micro-channel is usually in the transition regime.[6] Consequently, the traditional CFD techniques based on continuum hypothesis of fluids may lead to large errors when they are used to analyze micro-channel flow. To accurately analyze the rarefied gas flows, the approaches based on the solution of the Boltzmann equation must be adopted.[7] As one of the most successful particle simulation methods of treating rarefied gas flows,[8] the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method first proposed by Bird is capable of solving the Boltzmann equation based on direct statistical simulation of the molecular process described by kinetic theory.[9,10] Therefore, the gas flow in a micro-channel can be described by using the DSMC method and it has been widely applied to the prediction of rarefied gas flows.
In micro-channel numerical simulations, most researchers have focused on the flow field in the micro-channels.[11–16] Taheri and Struchtrup[17] investigated the flow structure in a parallel plate micro-channel, where a streamwise constant temperature gradient is applied in the channel walls, and typical non-equilibrium effects at the boundary are investigated by solving the regularized 13-moment equations. The DSMC simulations were carried out of gas flows for varying degrees of rarefaction along micro-channels with both one and two 90-degree bends by White et al.[18] and it was shown that the choice of mesh size in the corner region is important for capturing the size and shape of any recirculation region. Darbandi and Roohi[5] simulated a subsonic flow in nanochannels and adopted the micro/nanoscale backward-facing steps by the DSMC method. They observed that the pressure distribution along the channel deviates from a linear distribution as soon as the Knudsen number reaches the early free-molecular regime and the length of separation region considerably decreases as the flow influences more in the transition regime region. Zhen et al.[19] employed the DSMC method and analyzed the rationality of the two-dimensional (2D) simplification for a three-dimensional (3D) straight rectangular cross-sectional micro-channel. The calculated flow properties in the 3D case are compared with the results of the 2D case and the authors found that the 2D simplification is reasonable when the cross aspect ratio is greater than 5. Gatsonis et al.[20] used an unstructured DSMC solver and simulated supersonic flow in 3D nanochannels, and physical aspects of supersonic flows in nanoscale rectangular channels were revealed. Ejtehadi et al.[21] simulated a rarefied gas flow between two parallel moving micro-plates maintained at the same uniform temperature by the DSMC method and influences of important molecular structural parameters, such as molecular diameter, mass, degrees of freedom, and viscosity–temperature index on the macroscopic behaviors of the rarefied gas flow (e.g., velocity, temperature, heat flux and shear stress coefficients) were investigated. Liou and Fang[22] investigated the heat transfer characteristics and velocity in a 2D micro-channel by the DSMC method. Their results showed that the heat transfer characteristics of the micro-channel flow can vary significantly with the Knudsen number of the incoming flow and the enhanced wall heat transfer is mainly caused by increasing the number rate of molecules that impact the wall.
As reviewed above, micro-channel flows have been investigated from many different aspects by many researchers. However, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, the influence of altitude and free stream inflow direction on the flow of gas in the micro-channel have not yet been investigated. Actually, micro-channels in practical applications tend to have different altitudes and the free stream inflow direction is also variable, so there is a clear need for DSMC data about the effect that is exerted on the micro-channel gas flow by the altitude and the free stream inflow direction. Moreover, the free stream with supersonic speed should be taken into account to explore flow characteristics of the high-speed gas in the micro-channel to understand the problem of micro-channel flow in depth. Therefore, motivated by the lack of such results, this study investigates the variable parameters, such as altitude, free stream inflow direction, and incoming Mach number, to explore their effects on flow properties of supersonic gas in the micro-channel.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The DSMC method is briefly introduced and validated in Section
According to Refs. [9] and [10] the Boltzmann equation is able to describe the flow behaviors of gas at each rarefaction degree[23] and it can be solved by stochastic schemes, commonly known as DSMC. In short, the DSMC method is a particle based microscopic method that converges to the solution of the Boltzmann equation in the limit of infinite simulating particles.[10] In this method, simulating particles represent a cloud of gas molecules that travel and collide with each other and solid surfaces. The macroscopic properties of the gas, such as velocity, temperature, density, shear stress, pressure, and so on, are obtained by taking the appropriate sampling of microscopic properties of the simulating particles after achieving steady flow.
The micro-perspective and statistical property are two distinct features of the DSMC method. The working process of the DSMC simulation can be summarized as in the following steps:[24] (i) reading the grid data and recording the information about the boundary conditions; (ii) initializing the flow field and calculating the entering number of simulating molecules; (iii) simulating the molecules’ motion and interaction with boundary; (iv) indexing all of the simulating molecules; (v) simulating the molecules’ probabilistic selection and collision with each other; (vi) sampling the mesh cell and wall information and repeating steps (iii)–(vi) until the flow field reaches a steady state; and (vii) writing out the information about the flow field and wall.
Over the past few decades, the DSMC method has been a predominant predictive tool in rarefied gas flows. However, computational consumption is the main blockage in the extensive application of the DSMC method. Generally speaking, there are two different ways to solve this difficulty when facing massive computation: the first is to improve the DSMC method, such as with MPC algorithm,[25] or asymptotic-preserving (AP) algorithm;[26] the second is to introduce some assistant techniques, such as the efficient parallel technology.[27] In our DSMC code, the parallel technique is employed.
The following numerical simulations are performed by using the DSMC code developed by Liuʼs team from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, which has been validated with some typical benchmark cases in our recent researches.[24,26–29] However, to estimate the applicability of the DSMC code for the micro-channel gas flow, the case of a 2D micro-channel (for the geometry of the micro-channel and free stream conditions, please refer to Ref. [1]), in which the simulation data from different researchers are detailed, is used to perform our DSMC simulation to provide the quantitative calculation results for the code validation. For the following DSMC simulations, the computing grid is structured and generated using the commercial software POINTWISE, whose mesh number is 64680, which is larger than those used in Refs. [1], [22], and [30]. In addition, the times of sampling, simulating particles in each mesh and time step are all set to be adequate values according to our experience in DSMC simulations, ensuring that the flow fields are always steady. The comparison of DSMC simulation results from our DSMC code and other researchers’ is shown in Fig.
According to the published papers, the rectangular micro-channel has been investigated widely, while the circular micro-channel has not received much attention. However, there are many fields using the circular micro-channels. For example, the cooling device (see the left-hand part of Fig.
![]() | Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of (a) a cooling device with circular micro-channels and (b) DSMC simulation domain. |
The internal diameter (D), length (L), and wall thickness of the circular micro-channel are 1.2, 6.0, and
![]() | Table 1.
Inflow parameters of free stream at different altitudes . |
Note that the inflow direction of free stream is parallel to wall of the micro-channel for the cases in Table
As mentioned above, the free stream in practical cases is actually not always parallel to the wall but has a varying inflow direction. Therefore, the effect of free stream inflow direction on gas flow in the micro-channel has to be investigated. First, to indicate the orientation of free stream inflow direction relative to micro-channel wall, the parameter called the angle of attack is proposed and defined as the intersection angle between free stream inflow direction and micro-channel wall. For example, it means that free stream is parallel to the wall when the angle of attack is 0°. Second, the angles of attack of 0°, 3°, 5°, 8°, 12°, and 20° are considered successively to explore the effect of free stream inflow direction on gas flow in the micro-channel. Besides the angle of attack, the free stream with Mach numbers of 2, 3, 4, and 5 are also taken into account to investigate the effect of free stream incoming velocity on gas flow in the micro-channel. It should be noted that the angle of attack is 0° and the altitude is set to be 1.0 km when the simulation cases of different free stream incoming Mach numbers are carried out. Meanwhile, the free stream incoming Mach number and altitude are set to be 3.0 km and 1.0 km, respectively, when the simulation cases of different angles of attack are investigated. In this paper, the incoming Mach number of free stream and angle of attack are denoted by
In this section, we present the DSMC simulation results of the supersonic gas flow in a circular micro-channel under different inflow conditions including the free stream at different altitudes, with different incoming Mach numbers and different angles of attack. These three inflow conditions are decoupled and the effect of altitude, incoming Mach number and angle of attack on micro-channel gas flow are investigated, respectively. Because the DSMC is essentially a statistic method, the simulation results of all cases we considered actually reflect the time-averaged flow properties of gas flow in the micro-channel.
The difference in rarefied degree of gas makes the flow in a micro-channel and in a macro-channel very different. For example, the flow in a macro-channel is continuous and the velocity in the vicinity of wall is regarded as zero,[35] while the slip effect occurs in the vicinity of wall for the flow in a micro-channel due to the increase of rarefied degree of gas. As is well known, the higher the altitude, the more rarefied the gas is. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the effect of the altitude on gas flow in the micro-channel.
The Mach number contours in the flow field for different altitudes are shown in Fig.
The temperature contours in the flow field for different altitudes are shown in Fig.
One interpretation of the physical mechanism for Figs.
The normalized velocity, pressure, and temperature distributions along the centerline of the micro-channel for different altitudes are presented in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 7. Profiles of (a) velocity, (b) pressure, and (c) temperature ratios along the centerline of the micro-channel for different altitudes. |
To reveal the flow efficiency of the free stream passing through the micro-channel, the mass flow velocity defined as the mass flux per unit area per unit time is proposed and calculated along the diameter of x/L = 1.0 (i.e., outlet of the micro-channel) for each altitude, and the results are displayed in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 8. Profiles of mass flow velocity along diameter of x/L = 1.0 for different altitudes (![]() |
To provide an in-depth understanding of the high temperature area in the micro-channel, the high temperature area for each case is visualized by extracting its isoline and labeling its minimal and maximal values. Figure
The free stream incoming Mach number is an important factor affecting the micro-channel flow because it has a great influence on the flow structure and heat transfer performance of the flow field. In addition, the free stream with a high supersonic speed has been investigated rarely. Figure
![]() | Fig. 10. Comparison of Mach number contours in flow field for different free stream incoming Mach numbers (a = 0°, H = 1 km). |
The pressure contours in the flow field for different free stream incoming Mach numbers are shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 11. Comparison of pressure contours in flow field for different free stream incoming Mach numbers (a = 0°, H = 1 km). |
The temperature contours in the flow field for different free stream incoming Mach numbers are shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 12. Comparison of temperature contours in flow field for different free stream incoming Mach numbers (a = 0°, H = 1 km). |
The physical mechanism for Figs.
![]() | Fig. 13. Profiles of (a) velocity, (b) pressure, and (c) temperature ratios along centerline of the micro-channel for different free stream incoming Mach numbers. |
For the pressure and temperature distributions, both of them show the same change regulation for each incoming Mach number. Specifically, with the increase of streamwise distance, the pressure and temperature decrease monotonically for the incoming Mach number of 2.0, while they increase rapidly before they decrease until the outlet for the incoming Mach number of 3.0, forming a curve that is approximately symmetric about the x/L = 0.55 and x/L = 0.45, respectively. For the incoming Mach numbers of 4.0 and 5.0, the pressure and temperature increase sharply at the inlet, then decrease with a small range and increase again before they decrease until the outlet, forming two local maxima at the streamwise locations of about 0.2 and 0.95, respectively.
The mass flow velocity is calculated along the diameter of x/L = 1.0 and the results for different free stream incoming Mach numbers are displayed in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 14. Profiles of mass flow velocity along diameter of x/L = 1.0 for different free stream incoming Mach numbers (a = 0°, H = 1 km). |
The free stream in some practical cases is not always parallel to the wall of the micro-channel but it tends to have a varying inflow direction. However, there has been little numerical work on the free stream inflow direction despite the fact that it has an important effect on the gas flow in the micro-channel. In this paper, the free stream inflow direction is represented by the angle of attack, and the angles of attack of 0°, 3°, 5°, 8°, 12°, and 20° are considered in this subsection to explore the influence of the free stream inflow direction on the gas flow in the micro-channel.
![]() | Fig. 16. Comparison of Mach number contours in flow field for different angles of attack (![]() |
The pressure contours in the flow field for different angles of attack are shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 17. Comparison of pressure contours in flow field for different angles of attack (![]() |
The normalized temperature contours in the flow field for different angles of attack are shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 18. Comparison of temperature contours in flow field for different angles of attack (![]() |
The physical mechanism for Figs.
The normalized velocity, pressure, and temperature distributions along the centerline of the micro-channel for different angles of attack are presented in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 19. Profiles of (a) velocity, (b) pressure, and (c) temperature ratios along central line of micro-channel for different angles of attack. |
The mass flow velocity is calculated along the diameter of x/L = 1.0, and the results for different angles of attack are displayed in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 20. Profiles of mass flow velocity along diameter of x/L = 1.0 for different angles of attack (![]() |
In this paper, a DSMC method is used to investigate the primary properties of the supersonic gas flow in a circular micro-channel by considering different inflow conditions. For each inflow condition that we considered, the velocity, pressure, and temperature contour of the micro-channel flow field, the velocity, pressure, and temperature distributions along the centerline of the micro-channel, the mass flow velocity of the outlet as well as the evolution of high temperature area in the micro-channel flow field are all shown and analyzed in detail, and we observe that the altitude, Mach number, and angle of attack greatly affect the flow properties of the supersonic gas passing through the micro-channel. Summarizing this paper, the following conclusions can be drawn:
(I) With the increase of altitude, the free stream is gradually decelerated before it reaches the inlet and it will be partly prevented from entering into the micro-channel due to the increase of rarefaction effects. Consequently, the mass flow velocity of the outlet decreases greatly as altitude increases. In addition, an increase in altitude drives both the high pressure and high temperature areas to move towards the inlet and both of them finally remain at the inlet when the altitude exceeds 6.0 km. Then, the shape of the high temperature area is like a stopper blocking the inlet of the micro-channel.
(II) The gas flow in the micro-channel is accelerated and both the pressure and temperature in the micro-channel flow field rise as the incoming Mach number increases. Meanwhile, the high pressure and high temperature area move towards the outlet and both of them finally remain at the outlet. Moreover, mass flux of the free stream passing through the micro-channel increases greatly as free stream incoming Mach number increases. A notable finding is that the rarefaction effects become dominant when the free stream incoming Mach number drops to 2. In other words, the free stream with a larger incoming velocity is able to reduce the influence of the rarefaction effects on the gas flow in the micro-channel.
(III) The velocity, pressure, and temperature in the entrance part of the micro-channel flow field are affected significantly by the angle of attack while those in the exit part are almost not affected, so the mass flow velocity of the outlet decreases slightly as the angle of attack increases. An increase in angle of attack decelerates the gas flow but increases the pressure and temperature in the micro-channel. Under the condition of a large angle of attack (e.g., 12° and 20°), the high temperature area expands to the inlet and its peak temperature rises greatly due to the drastic collision between the free stream and the wall approaching the inlet.
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